19.-23. February 2024, Vienna

Abstract submission and registration closed.

Registration fees

  • [ Registration until Dec 15, 2023: 300 EUR (incl. welcome reception and conference dinner), closed ]
  • [ Registration from Dec 16, 2023 until Jan 15, 2024: 350 EUR (incl. welcome reception and conference dinner), closed ]
  • Conference dinner for accompanying person: 100 EUR

Abstract submission is closed.

Important: Abstract submission and registration are two independent processes. Please do not forget to register for the conference before the registration deadline!

Registration is closed

Trouble shooting: If the "Sign Up" button on the registration form webpage does not work, there might be an error message in the bottom right with a link to "restart your registration", which solves this issue. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any problems with the registration process.

Important: Abstract submission and registration are two independent processes. You still need to register for the conference to go to the conference even if you submitted an abstract. We aim to inform speakers that they got a talk around December 1st.